Functional testing
Functional testing
The degree of coverage provided by a test system is always relative, and depends on the type of board and its application. Optical and parametric testing are rarely able to provide total coverage, which is why dedicated functional testing is sometimes necessary.
Functional testing is the only way of substantiating and certifying the operation of complex electronic systems, and it is performed at the end of the production line, before the device is released onto the market. By its very nature, functional testing is designed to check devices by carrying out a series of simulations that reproduce the system’s operating conditions and the environmental conditions in which it operates in as realistic a way as possible.
Our functional testing solutions (ATE) are general purpose, as they are capable of testing different types of board and electronic device with minimal investment (depending on whether contact fixtures are required or not). These extremely flexible, modular systems can be used to perform low and high frequency signal and power analog and digital measurements, and handle various types of output. In addition we accept the integration of a wide range of external instruments controlled by simple, intuitive software, expanding the potential as required while complying with the features of the specific architecture.
A number of our functional test machines are dedicated to specific applications, while any kind of functional test can be carried out on our two general purpose machines.