


With over forty thousand part numbers in stock divided into active and passive components, cables and connectors, we really can cater for our customers’ just-in-time needs.

We can handle the purchasing of all the material needed to complete a product, relieving customers of onerous outsourcing.

We plan supplies even more than twelve months ahead, creating buffer stocks to meet the production needs of customers who rely on us. Materials handling is fully computerized, with numerous automatic stores, and full component traceability is guaranteed by a particularly efficient IT system.

With our management program we can monitor each single step materials take, from their arrival in the company to the shipment of the finished product to the customer.

For example, shipment track and trace numbers are given on the delivery document forwarded in advance to the customer, providing real-time up-to-date information on the goods to be received.

Thanks to our materials handling system, we can offer a service which is unparalleled in terms of efficiency, cost and quality.